You can share healing and hope with a hurting child
$20,000 Challenge Grant will multiply your impact
GIVE NOWA Ranch child urgently needs your support to experience the care and love they've never known before
Tab through the stories below!
She never felt safe, loved, or settled in life
“I didn’t think God liked me.”
That’s how Tracie really felt.
It’s not hard to understand why this 13-year-old girl would say that. Her life had been filled with abuse and neglect.
And when you’ve been that beat up, it’s hard to believe in the Kingdom of heaven. Or a Heavenly Father who loves you.
Tracie came to the Ranch after multiple placements at other youth care facilities. She’d been raised in a troubled home where her mom often left her to take care of herself and her younger brother. Tracie’s mother suffered from severe bipolar disorder. And her father was in jail.
Tracie had been addicted to painkillers since middle school. They were her way of coping with the misery. She also battled depression. “You don’t want to do anything,” she says. “You’re just very, very sad. But you don’t know why.”
Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift now!

You can give a hurting boy or girl genuine hope
Right now you can help TWICE as many children rise above their circumstances — and prepare for a life of independence and accomplishment.
Through God’s limitless grace — and your compassion — Ranch kids can finally start to believe in themselves.
The chance to meet her Heavenly Father
With all of the terrible trauma, Tracie needed a team of caring specialists — trustworthy therapists, counselors, and educators to guide her toward healing and growth.
But more than that, Tracie had opportunities at the Ranch to get to know God. Today, she says, “God is important in my life. God helps me. He just knows what to do.”
This is the kind of eternity-altering impact you can make in a child’s life through your gift to the Ranch.
Reach TWICE as many kids now!

Show a boy or girl at the Ranch they’re loved
You’ll do more good for a heartbroken child than you could ever imagine when you stand with the Ranch through your support.
Your generous gift will be DOUBLED by the Challenge Grant to help TWICE as many Ranch kids experience a fresh start, a second chance, and healing for their aching souls.
A vulnerable little girl in need of healing
Gracie’s parents came right out and said it: They were desperate.
At just 8 years of age, their precious daughter was heading for trouble — lying and stealing, disobedient and disrespectful, struggling in school. They knew something was wrong. They just didn’t know what.
Gracie’s behavior became increasingly troubling and confusing until her parents discovered she was being sexually abused by a neighbor in their apartment building.
The police were called in, of course. But that couldn’t undo the heartbreaking damage done to this innocent little girl.
The family sought help from a local child advocacy agency. From there, Gracie went to two different residential programs, but experienced little or no progress.
Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift now!

You can give a hurting boy or girl genuine hope
Right now you can help TWICE as many children rise above their circumstances — and prepare for a life of independence and accomplishment.
Through God’s limitless grace — and your compassion — Ranch kids can finally start to believe in themselves.
Out of control
By the time Gracie came to the Ranch, her dad described her as uncontrollable. “We tried different counselors. We knew we needed to address her mental health and spiritual problems.”
They realized Gracie needed comprehensive help — to heal her body, mind, and spirit. That’s when they called on the Ranch.
As you might imagine, Gracie needed a different approach to treatment — highly specialized therapy that addressed the terrible trauma she’d experienced, plus a tailored curriculum to help her catch up in the classroom.
But more than that, she needed spiritual care ... an introduction to the God who created her, loves her infinitely, and wants to take away her hurt.
An entire family transformed
At home, Gracie’s parents didn’t talk much about faith. But at the Ranch, she learned to embrace her spiritual side. She wanted to go to chapel and learn about God. Gracie says, “I know God is here for me. He wants to take care of me. He is caring.”
In addition to her own spiritual transformation, Gracie ignited her parents’ interest in God. When she called her parents, they prayed together. And when Gracie asked to be baptized, her parents came to the Ranch for the celebration.
Before she joined us, Gracie was angry and confused. Today, this little girl is able to concentrate in school, manage her emotions, and trust adults. But more than that, Gracie met Jesus and was transformed by His love.
This is the kind of eternity-altering impact you can make in a child’s life through your gift to the Ranch.
Reach TWICE as many kids now!

Show a boy or girl at the Ranch they’re loved
You’ll do more good for a heartbroken child than you could ever imagine when you stand with the Ranch through your support.
Your generous gift will be DOUBLED by the Challenge Grant to help TWICE as many Ranch kids experience a fresh start, a second chance, and healing for their aching souls.
A broken heart becomes a new heart for God
Randy can trace most of his struggles to parents who were never there for him. His dad was violent and left the family when Randy was young. His mom was in and out of his life too.
He now realizes how much not having loving, trustworthy parents negatively impacted him.
Randy has also fought a long battle with drug use, alcoholism, and angry outbursts. But since coming to the Ranch, he says, “I don’t want alcohol or drugs in my life anymore. I’m glad I quit. They change my mood. Give me more anger.”
Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift now!

You can give a hurting boy or girl genuine hope
Right now you can help TWICE as many children rise above their circumstances — whether abuse, neglect, or psychiatric issues — and prepare for a life of independence and accomplishment.
Through God’s limitless grace — and your compassion — they can finally start to believe in themselves.
God at work in young lives
Randy calls the Ranch “a learning experience” and believes our focus on spiritual life had a significant, positive impact. “God has been working in my life,” he says.
“Before I came here, I had a different personality. I pushed people away with lies. But now, I just can’t imagine what it would be like without coming here.”
Randy credits the Ranch with building his self-confidence and helping him hold his head up high. “My parents missed out on a lot of my life,” he says. “But now I’m really close to my sister.”
Today, Randy is thankful for his time at the Ranch. He has been inspired to become a pastor and hopes to return to us someday as a spiritual mentor.
He says, “Helping kids out is my dream job.” His advice for each one is: “Don’t give up on your dreams. Try and do more than you think you can do.”
This is the kind of eternity-altering impact you can make in a child’s life through your gift to the Ranch.
Reach TWICE as many kids now!

Show a boy or girl at the Ranch they’re loved
You’ll do more good for a heartbroken child than you can ever imagine when you stand with the Ranch through your support.
Your generous gift will be DOUBLED by the Challenge Grant to help TWICE as many Ranch kids experience a fresh start, a second chance, and healing for their aching souls.
A hurting boy in search of love and acceptance
Timothy came to us when he was 14 years old. He’d been neglected and abused his whole life.
No wonder he’d been drinking from age 5. Since both of his parents were alcoholics, he could always find plenty to drink around the house. No one noticed or cared that young Timothy was heading toward disaster.
When he arrived at the Ranch, Timothy was in deep trouble — angry, distrusting, and way behind in school. He had the academic abilities of a 2nd grader. Most people just assumed he was developmentally disabled due to the heavy alcohol use. You can imagine the soul-crushing impact constant failure in the classroom, and in life, had on him.
Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift now!

You can give a hurting boy or girl genuine hope
Right now you can help TWICE as many children rise above their circumstances — whether abuse, neglect, or psychiatric issues — and prepare for a life of independence and accomplishment.
Through God’s limitless grace — and your compassion — they can finally start to believe in themselves.
A lost childhood
Timothy never really had a childhood — none of the typical experiences most kids have with loving parents, siblings, and friends.
Early on, one of our teachers took him shopping for clothes. Timothy confessed he’d never been shopping before and never had any new clothes of his own. Everything he ever had was a hand-me-down.
In three short years — after experiencing the Ranch’s proven and highly specialized approach to therapy, classroom learning, and Christian mentoring — Timothy was transformed. He became a well-adjusted, happy young man ... and a prized student who tested at the 12th grade level!
This is the kind of eternity-altering impact you can make in a child’s life through your gift to the Ranch.
Reach TWICE as many kids now!

Show a boy or girl at the Ranch they’re loved
You’ll do more good for a heartbroken child than you can ever imagine when you stand with the Ranch through your support.
Your generous gift will be DOUBLED by the Challenge Grant to help TWICE as many Ranch kids experience a fresh start, a second chance, and healing for their aching souls.
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch — people you can trust
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a residential treatment and education center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids through best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care.
The Ranch is supported by caring people like you who give sacrificially to help children and their families. So we’re serious about earning your trust by using your gifts carefully and conservatively. We’re committed to absolute integrity and transparency in our fundraising.
The Ranch also adheres to rigorous accreditation standards that ensure our students receive the highest level of care. We’re accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and licensed by the state of North Dakota. Our on-site school, Dakota Memorial School, is accredited by AdvancED. We're also a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS), and a founding member of Lutheran Services in America (LSA). We are a partner ministry of the National Association of Lutheran Churches (NALC).