$20,000 Challenge Grant will multiply your impact
You can share healing and hope with a hurting child
A Ranch child urgently needs your support to experience the care and love they've never known before.
She never felt safe, loved, or settled in life
“I didn’t think God liked me.”
That’s how Tracie really felt.
It’s not hard to understand why this 13-year-old girl would say that. Her life has been filled with abuse and neglect.
And when you’ve been that beat up, it’s hard to believe in the Kingdom of heaven. Or a Heavenly Father who loves you.
Tracie came to the Ranch after multiple placements at other youth care facilities. She’d been raised in a troubled home where her mom often left her to take care of herself and her younger brother. Tracie’s mother suffered from severe bipolar disorder. And her father was in jail.
Tracie had been addicted to painkillers since middle school. They were her way of coping with the misery. She also battled depression. “You don’t want to do anything,” she says. “You’re just very, very sad. But you don’t know why.”
The chance to meet her Heavenly Father
With all of the terrible trauma, what Tracie needed was a team of caring specialists — trustworthy therapists, counselors, and educators to guide her toward healing and growth.
But more than that, Tracie needed to know God loved her. And at the Ranch, she had opportunities to get to know Him. Today, she says, “God is important in my life. God helps me. He just knows what to do.”
This is the kind of eternity-altering impact you can make in a child’s life through your gift to the Ranch.
You can give a hurting child genuine hope
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch — people you can trust
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a residential treatment and education center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids through best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care.
The Ranch is supported by caring people like you who give sacrificially to help children and their families. So we’re serious about earning your trust by using your gifts carefully and conservatively. We’re committed to absolute integrity and transparency in our fundraising.
Founded on faith in God
Committed to trauma-informed care
Focused on a tailored school curriculum