"No-Limits People"

"No-Limits People"

"No-Limits People"

I had dinner a while back with some people like you.
Well, I guess I don’t know if they are really like you, but you do have some things in common. You care about the kids at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. You choose to believe these hurting kids have value, can heal, and are all God’s children.
We had not met in person but knew people in common. They supported the work of the Ranch long before I got here. They exude warmth, faith, and kindness. It didn't take long to realize they care deeply about helping others in His name.

I was at the restaurant a little early, and when they came in, the gentleman was carrying a small devotional book. (Please understand my quotes may be off a word or two… but I promise they are very close!) He said, “My wife and I read from the same devotionals each morning, and this morning’s was perfect for today. God has his ways. Read the first line.”

He handed the booklet to me and I read, "No-limits people refuse to accept things as they are because they see them as they can be.”
“That’s the way I see the Ranch," he said. "You folks see the kids as they can be.” 

How great is that? When I meet people, I try to explain that we don’t look at the children who come to the Ranch and ask, “What’s wrong with that child?” Instead, we ask, “What happened to that child?” We believe that if we can understand the trauma, abuse, and neglect the child endured, we can understand their behaviors. We can help them become their best selves. We “refuse to accept things as they are because [we] see them as they can be.” It was truly beautiful to meet people who so fully understand the strength of faith that overcomes.
I took a picture of the devotion to read later. At the top, even before that first line, was a Bible quote. From Mark 9:23, “'If you can'?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Thank you for sharing our belief in these kids. With Him guiding our work, they too can become No-Limits people.

Please keep the children and staff of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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