Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a place of hope and healing, where children, ages 10-18, find a structured and safe environment in which to live, learn, and heal.
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a place of hope and healing, where children, ages 10-18, find a structured and safe environment in which to live, learn, and heal.
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a place of hope and healing, where children, ages 10-18, find a structured and safe environment in which to live, learn, and heal.
How do I know if my child needs residential treatment?
If your child is suffering from mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, self-harm, aggression, and/or psychosis, they may benefit from residential treatment.
If you're considering residential treatment, here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Am I concerned my child's behaviors are putting them at risk of harm — or that they could harm others?
- Is my child exhibiting behaviors that aren't improving with outpatient care?
- Do I feel like my child would benefit from being in a structured treatment environment?
- Does my child need more intensive help than what outpatient community providers can offer?
- Do I have concerns about my child that have been ongoing for six or more months?
- Does my child have a mental health diagnosis?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it may be time to start looking into psychiatric residential treatment options. Exploring options doesn't commit you to anything… it just means you are looking at every possible way to help your child.
Residential treatment is not always necessary, but a safe, nurturing, and structured environment can be helpful for kids who aren't improving with outpatient care.
Our Admissions team can help you determine if psychiatric residential treatment is right for your child. Call 701-354-4181 for more information or to get started.
How do I get started?
Prior to accepting your child into one of our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF), we must get prior authorization by an outside review team, just like other health care providers. Once we've visited with you, we can give you an initial opinion as to whether or not your child will be approved for treatment. If we agree that it's a good fit and you wish to continue the process, we'll ask you to:
- Complete the Universal Application for Placement, and
- Gather the necessary documents from your child's school, medical providers, mental health providers, and any other entities involved in your child's care.
Once we have that information, we will complete and submit the prior authorization paperwork.
What information do I need to complete the application?
In addition to answering questions about your child's symptoms and behaviors, you'll need information and documents from other providers involved in your child's care and treatment including:
- Names and phone numbers of your child's primary supports including parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, case managers, etc.
- Child and family team meeting notes or most recent permanency plan/case (if in public custody)
- Placement history including previous facility/treatment placements, hospitalizations, foster care placements, or any recent discharge information (if previously placed in a facility/treatment setting)
- Any assessment, testing, IEP, medication list, diagnosis detail, or specialist evaluations
- Any progress notes specific to therapeutic intervention