


At Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we work hard to fill that deficit. Our on-site school, Dakota Memorial School, puts special effort into literacy and expression and comprehension. In therapy, our therapists are specially trained to ensure kids comprehend the things they are learning. In Spiritual Life, we use Action Bibles, in graphic form, to help children grasp the concepts of life choices, values, and the love of Christ.…

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Danny's Story of Redemption and Resilience

Danny's Story of Redemption and Resilience

Danny made quite an impression on me when I met him. I was just months into my time at the Ranch when I traveled from Fargo to Minot for our annual plant sale. I met him in the greenhouse where I was helping get ready for the sale.…

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Unfortunately, the children at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch have to learn to live in the "real world." These kids have been abused, neglected, and traumatized. Their world has been an aberration of the real world. Most children are not hit on a daily basis, or raped, or go hungry for days on end. Most children run into bumps and scratches and icky situations, but they aren’t constantly, unremittingly, abused.…

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DBT/SPARCS is the therapeutic foundation on which we base the services we provide to children at the Ranch. While I believe we overdo acronyms in the United States and especially in the behavioral health field, this is an acronym I can support since saying DBT/SPARCS instead of “Dialectical Behavior Therapy/Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress,” saves us all a lot of time.…

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Hot dogs, but not the red ones

Hot dogs, but not the red ones

It sometimes surprises people to learn that we have Student Government meetings at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. Some people think that children in treatment for trauma are not equipped for things like group decision-making.…

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All at the same time

All at the same time

There was an awful lot of noise coming from the other room.   I was in Chaplain Rick Jones’s office discussing service planning and recent baptisms. The Spiritual Life group room where the kids on the Minot Campus meet is on the other side of his door.   When I came out of his office, I was surprised to see Deaconess Kelly Bristow with only two boys. From the volume, I had honestly expected a room full!…

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Learning, Growing, and Spreading Joy

Learning, Growing, and Spreading Joy

"My introduction to the Ranch was an act of God," said Carol Vacek. She had never heard of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch until 2018 when she received a letter in the mail. That same year, Carol inherited some mineral rights in North Dakota with two producing oil wells. Some would say it was a coincidence, but Carol says learning about the Ranch and inheriting North Dakota mineral rights was God's timing. She followed God's lead and began donating a portion of the proceeds to the Ranch.…

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Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

When Robert Dietrich heard a speaker from Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at his church in Alliance, NE, he was drawn to the Ranch's work with kids. It resonated for a couple of reasons.…

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A year and a half

A year and a half

How did you learn about things like washing your hair, cutting your nails, and brushing your teeth? For most of us, our families started teaching us those basic lessons when they brought us home. A baby’s first bath at home is usually a big event for a family!…

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Pop rocks and farming

Pop rocks and farming

What do Music, Staff, Pop Rocks candy, Farming, Family, and Legos all have in common? I’ll get back to that riddle in a moment. Last week, I received an email from Crystal Askvig, one of the remarkable therapists at our Bismarck Campus. Crystal has a Master of Science degree and is licensed as an Addiction Counselor and Professional Clinical Counselor. She’s really good.…

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66 years

66 years

It is wonderful when a Ranch friend reaches out and connects with me. Whether it is in response to an email, a mailed note, or a phone call, I get to hear from truly wonderful people like you.…

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Each person has their own kind of wisdom. Hearing life lessons from the people I meet is one of the great benefits of this job.   Recently, I had a chance to visit with a retired nurse. She is a powerhouse of action. She may be retired from nursing, but not from life! She does foot care for the elderly in her congregation, volunteers as a program coordinator for the Lutheran Women’s Conferences in her area, and studies holistic approaches to healthcare.…

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Navigating the Residential Treatment Process in North Dakota

Navigating the Residential Treatment Process in North Dakota

Finding the right residential treatment program for your child can be overwhelming. The Admissions Team at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch can help you navigate the process and assist you in gathering the information and support you need during this difficult time.…

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North Dakota Human Service Zones

North Dakota Human Service Zones

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch works with every human service zone in the state to ensure North Dakota children receive the help they need.…

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"I have a story for you."

"I have a story for you."

One Saturday in October I had the great honor of speaking to a gathering of about 75 Christian women. They prayed together, held a business meeting, had a devotional talk from a local pastor, and then I talked to them about the children and the work of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.…

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The Rupert Dunklau Foundation supports Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch with matching grant funds

The Rupert Dunklau Foundation supports Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch with matching grant funds

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch received $250,000 in matching funds from the Rupert Dunklau Foundation to support the building of Zurcher Cottage, a new Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF), on its Minot campus.…

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Tom and Frances Leach Foundation funds infrastructure modernization at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Tom and Frances Leach Foundation funds infrastructure modernization at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Tom and Frances Leach Foundation awarded $100,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to complete necessary infrastructure modernization and safety upgrades on its Bismarck campus. The funds will create a safer and more comfortable environment for the children in care at the Ranch.…

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Living in Christ and Science

Living in Christ and Science

Dennis and Claudia Chamberland, Cocoa, FL, had never heard of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch when they received a letter from the Ranch in the mail. "We almost never open unsolicited mail," Dennis said, "but I guess the Lord was prompting us. We read the letter and were extremely impressed with your Christ-centered work. We prayed about it and were moved to become monthly sponsors."…

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"The Ranch saved my son."

"The Ranch saved my son."

"This place is amazing. My son spent four months at the Ranch in Fargo and is a completely different kid. He still struggles but he is more self-motivated and succeeding at Dakota Memorial School. Had I not made this heartbreaking decision in his best interests, I would have lost my son. Thank you for being there!" Lexi Hauge on the Ranch's Facebook page…

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"I was not the problem!"

"I was not the problem!"

At 18 years old, Jules is living with a good family, on track to graduate from high school, and hopeful about her future. But, while she is in a good place in her life now, the road has been difficult. During most of Jules' childhood, her mom was an active alcoholic and married to a man who also drank and was physically violent.…

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Face Phones

Face Phones

I remember my second grade teacher, Mrs. Loftus, reading through a list of predictions for how life would be when we were old… “around 2025.” I don't recall all of them, but I do remember that buying water in plastic bottles and being able to see people on our phones (which would, of course, still be anchored to the wall) were on the list.…

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The Noise of Christmas

The Noise of Christmas

It is the day after Christmas. I hope yours was full of warmth, kindness, and gentle companionship. I hope you were surrounded by peace and grace. I wasn’t. My youngest granddaughter is learning to walk and her mission in life is to grab the Christmas tree and pull it down on herself. Her parents are in a constant state of vigilance, both for her protection and to avoid my ire at the tree’s destruction. Her 2-year-old brother, taking cues from mom and dad, kept grabbing her and pulling her away from the tree—to her great and loud chagrin.…

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This weekend

This weekend

While children are at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we work hard to connect them with the people who care about them. We can show them that Ranchers care and love them, but it has to go beyond that. It is important for a child healing from trauma to know they are seen, they are thought about, and that there are people in the world who want them to be here!…

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There was a knock on my open door. Then, “Good Morning, Joy. Could I please use some of your lotion?”   I looked up from my desk and couldn’t help but smile ear-to-ear. Melissa, the lovely young teenage girl in the doorway to my office, smiled back.…

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Special people

Special people

Most children who come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch have not had a good relationship with school. Their behavioral and psychiatric problems have often resulted in them being labeled as "one of those kids.” If they are in a chaotic home, the school has likely not received much parental cooperation. They are often bullied or the bully. Simply, school has not been the happy place of learning adults hope it is.…

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