
"A bad kid"

"A bad kid"

Bullying is a soul-stealing, lower than a snake’s belly, painful, demeaning thing to endure. Contrary to some long-debunked sayings, it does not “toughen you up,” “make you stand up for yourself,” or “teach you about the real world.” Rather, it either begets more bullying as the victim looks to find someone weaker and more tender than them, or it results in depression, self-loathing, and suicidal thoughts.…

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And I'm trying

And I'm trying

I was just introduced to a Christian folk song by Jason Gray. It’s called… “Jesus Loves You (And I’m Trying).   The title hooked me.…

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I should have your job

I should have your job

He always walks into my office with complete confidence. He may be only 13 years old. He may be struggling with severe outbursts of anger. He may have several psychiatric diagnoses brought on by severe trauma. His hair may always be a little messy, and more than once I’ve seen him wipe his nose with the back of his forearm.…

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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Receives $4,000 from Otter Tail Corporation Foundation

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Receives $4,000 from Otter Tail Corporation Foundation

The Otter Tail Corporation Foundation awarded $3,200 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to complete safety upgrades on its Fargo campus.…

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Patrick Berg, Anne Friederichs, Tracy Jordre, and Bill Mobley Join Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Boards of Directors

Patrick Berg, Anne Friederichs, Tracy Jordre, and Bill Mobley Join Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Boards of Directors

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch welcomed four new board members during the August board meetings of its three corporations: Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Foundation, and Dakota Family Services.…

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When Gideon came to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, he was, like many children, quiet and withdrawn. It isn’t that way with all children when they arrive, but many spend their early days with us observing and acclimating. It is a new place with new expectations, new people, new food, new guidelines. Gideon was watching and simply figuring things out.…

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Sam’s Club—Bismarck Awards $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Sam’s Club—Bismarck Awards $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Sam’s Club—Bismarck granted $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. The granted funds, donated through the Walmart Foundation Spark Good Grants Program, will be used to purchase noise-canceling earplugs for children who struggle with sensory stimulation and emotion regulation.…

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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League South Dakota District Awards $3,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League South Dakota District Awards $3,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch will receive a $3,000 mission grant from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League South Dakota District to furnish Hope Chapel, the newly built chapel on the Ranch’s Bismarck campus.…

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"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, therefore I will hope in him."…

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My mother-in-law recently passed away. I will miss her. She just had her 95th birthday days before her death, and she was part of my life for over half of that time. She led a hard, yet incredibly grateful life.…

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Understanding Eli

Understanding Eli

Eli is quiet and seems to be listening intently. Then he gets angry and lashes out, just when the person talking with him thinks things are going well. His anger seems unprovoked and unanticipated. Just a second ago he was a very engaged, calm, super cute 12-year-old. Then, in the blink of an eye, he is frustrated, hitting himself, calling himself dumb. Sometimes he strikes out at those around him.…

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Finding a Reason to Live

Finding a Reason to Live

When Maliya came to the Ranch at age 16, she was depressed and suicidal. "My childhood was really challenging," Maliya said. "I didn't really have a grip on reality because I was hallucinating a lot from a medication I was on. As far as my family, my stepdad was very abusive and left an emotional scar on my family."…

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The hug card

The hug card

It’s a “Hug Card.” It looks just like one of those “loyalty cards” you get when you buy 5 sub sandwiches and get a 6th one free. But, it’s for hugs.…

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Walk away

Walk away

Last month, Eden Keefe, the National President of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), and Kay Kreklau, former National President, toured our Bismarck campus. The LWML has been a tremendous support for the children and work of the Ranch. The individual LWML districts support various needs, and the national organization has supported our Deaconesses, as well as the construction of our Chapel in Bismarck. This is an organization truly filled with faith-centered, loving, Christian women.…

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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Dedicates Hope Chapel, a Space for Hope on its Bismarck Campus

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Dedicates Hope Chapel, a Space for Hope on its Bismarck Campus

On Friday, August 16, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch celebrated the completion of Hope Chapel, a dedicated space for children at the Ranch’s Bismarck campus to receive emotional and spiritual care.…

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Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Districts Grant Funds to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Districts Grant Funds to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch will receive funds from the Montana, Iowa West, and Iowa East Districts of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League to complete nutrition center updates on its Fargo campus to better meet the unique needs of the kids in care.…

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Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen

I recently had the honor of taking one of our kids to Dairy Queen to celebrate a particularly good day. I was happy for the chance to spend time with this very talkative child, who I'll call Franklin. Franklin thought it was funny to say that he was “on a Joy ride with Joy.”…

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Two capable adults

Two capable adults

The children who come to the Ranch have often come from chaos and crisis. Many have learned to be hypervigilant and alert for danger or unfulfilled needs. When they come to the Ranch, life is largely consistent and predictable. We serve meals at reliable times, and always have enough food. Therapy, groups, school, and chapel are all dependably scheduled.…

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Kiwanis Club of Minot Supports Technology Upgrades at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Minot Supports Technology Upgrades at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Kiwanis Club of Minot awarded $500 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch for technology upgrades in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes at Dakota Memorial School (DMS), Minot, the Ranch’s on-campus school.…

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Give me food

Give me food

I have written before about the “All About Me," worksheets children complete in the early days of their care at the Ranch. It is a chance for them to tell us about their likes and dislikes and how we can make them feel comfortable. The worksheets are just one of hundreds of tools we use to make sure children’s voices are heard.…

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Hector Foundation Grants $6,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Hector Foundation Grants $6,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Fargo, received a $6,000 grant from the Hector Foundation to purchase snow removal equipment.…

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Every fall, Ranch teachers, staff, and kids start preparing for G.R.O.W. Day (God Rewards Our Work), a sale held at our Minot thrift store the Saturday before Mother's Day. For seven months, students plant, nurture, weld, paint, and create art projects, yard games, bedding plants, and hanging flower baskets.  They move everything to our Minot thrift store, and in four hours, sell everything they created.…

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"The Ranch was my life."

"The Ranch was my life."

Twenty-three years after his retirement, Larry Knutson continues to impact the children at the Ranch—not only through the strong organization he left behind, but through his donations and his relentless sharing of the Ranch's mission.…

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Building Relationships and Connection Through Chores

Building Relationships and Connection Through Chores

How many of you remember your childhood chores with fondness? I certainly don't! Cleaning my room, taking out the trash, vacuuming, or emptying the dishwasher took time away from the fun things I would have much rather been doing.…

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One of Twelve

One of Twelve

16-year-old Avalon is a kind, gentle, and talented young woman, despite the challenges that brought her to the Ranch. She was born in Nebraska as the youngest of 12 siblings and moved to North Dakota in 2016. It was a blended family, and second marriages for both her parents, who had each had the pain of losing their first spouse to cancer.…

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