
S'more Experiences

S'more Experiences

The relationships our staff build with children are what allow the care we provide and our Christ-centered focus to do their work. It all starts with relationships that build trust. It starts with shared and new experiences.…

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A simple knot

A simple knot

A little girl, 11 years old, came into the dining room for breakfast one day last week. She had tears running down her cheeks, and her face was red. Christy, a phenomenal cook with a kind spirit, saw one of our Ranch employees trying to comfort her while making sure the other kids got their breakfast.…

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North Dakota Community Foundation Funds Innovative Remodel at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

North Dakota Community Foundation Funds Innovative Remodel at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) granted $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to underwrite the cost of an innovative remodel at Dakota Memorial School (DMS), Minot, the Ranch’s on-campus school. The funds are part of the NDCF’s Statewide Greatest Needs Fund.…

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Bring on the crowds

Bring on the crowds

I’ve told you before, working at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is hard work. Good work, but hard. It is hard to hear the kids’ stories of trauma, abuse, and mental illness. It is hard to be distrusted by these hurting kids and hard to earn their trust.   That’s why it is so important that our folks always support each other, cheer each other on, and share successes.…

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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Receives $3,200 from Otter Tail Corporation Foundation

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Receives $3,200 from Otter Tail Corporation Foundation

The Otter Tail Corporation Foundation awarded $3,200 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to complete safety upgrades on its Fargo campus.…

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Most of the children who come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch have not been treated with respect.   Most are trauma survivors. The very definition of a trauma survivor is someone who has suffered because of an absence of power. Perhaps it was an abuser, or poverty, or drug addiction, or death, but something in their lives exercised extreme power over them. That disparity led to them being abused, neglected, injured, and suffering. They are deeply hurt.…

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Kiwanis Club of Fargo Awards $1,500 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Fargo Awards $1,500 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Kiwanis Club of Fargo granted $1,500 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase noise-canceling headphones for the Occupational Therapy program.…

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Learning Styles

Learning Styles

Finding every single way to help children understand themselves, heal from their experiences, and become their best selves all depends on communicating in a way they can grasp. Since every child starts in a different place, professionals at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch use many different tools and approaches.…

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A note of pain

A note of pain

“Kids don’t really think about suicide, do they?” or “Kids just want attention, they can’t really want to die.” Even with all the media coverage of children’s mental health, I'm still asked questions like these.…

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Why me?

Why me?

I have shared before in these messages about our Chaplain, Rev. Rick Jones. Chaplain Rick has been with Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch for 11 years. He is the best person ever to be a Chaplain at a place for hurting children. He is strong in his faith, compassionate, and relatable. The children love him.…

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Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation Granted $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation Granted $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation granted $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase necessary toiletry, clothing, and home items for the Caring Closet at Dakota Memorial School, Fargo.…

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Not an athlete

Not an athlete

I am not an athlete.   Oh, I work out. That’s not the same as being an athlete. An athlete has grace, stamina, field awareness, and coordination. Those I don’t have. I can lift heavy things, but that’s about as far as it goes.…

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I don’t want to nag you… but you really need a will. If you don’t have one, the state has one for you. It’s called “probate,” and it’s a slow and painful process that ignores any wishes you may have had for whatever you left behind.…

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Karin Pierce and Earl Torgerson Join Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Boards of Directors

Karin Pierce and Earl Torgerson Join Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Boards of Directors

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch welcomed Karin Pierce and Earl Torgerson to its Board of Directors.…

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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Chapel

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Chapel

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Chapel to be built on its Bismarck, ND campus. The event was attended by staff, board members, donors, representatives of the architectural and construction companies involved, and members of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC.…

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God Wink

God Wink

Karen, a woman I work with, uses a term I love—“God wink.” I don’t know for sure how she would define it, but when she says it, I imagine God with a smile, nodding just a little and tipping a hat. A gesture of “I see you. Well done.”…

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Reading upside down

Reading upside down

On August 3rd, I celebrated my eighth Ranchiversary! I came to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in 2015 after spending over 22 years at another human service organization. Before that I worked in the corporate world and I’ve also done some university teaching in communications and business.…

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BisMan Community Foundation Awards $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

BisMan Community Foundation Awards $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Bismarck, ND, was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the BisMan Community Foundation, a component of the North Dakota Community Foundation.…

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"Just a side gig"

"Just a side gig"

I am frequently amazed by the people who choose to work at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. They are a compassionate, courageous bunch.   One such person is Jan. Jan came to the Ranch looking for a very part-time experience to augment her corporate banking job. She had plenty of work in her “real” job but was looking to find a way to impact kids and families in a more hands-on way. We are very grateful she found us.…

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First Lutheran Church Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

First Lutheran Church Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Fargo, ND, was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the First Lutheran Church Foundation in Fargo, ND. The funds will be used to purchase new books requested for the Fargo Library of Dakota Memorial School, the on-campus school of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, as well as classroom sets of books for the English-Language Arts classroom.…

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Fingerprints on a cross

Fingerprints on a cross

I have a new cross in my office.   It is made of bigger than normal popsicle sticks… I think they are called “craft sticks.” The vertical stick has seven pink fingerprints in a row, covering the length of the stick. The horizontal stick is painted a bright pink with random geometric shapes. It’s a little off-center, but not too bad. Overall, you get the definite impression it was made by a child. On the back, printed in felt tip marker, it says, “I CAN, through Him.”…

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Sustainable Back-to-School Shopping

Sustainable Back-to-School Shopping

With back-to-school season coming up, it’s important to think about where you’ll be shopping for yourself or your family. Before you start browsing the shelves at your local mall or department store, take some time to consider the monetary and environmental benefits of buying slightly used clothing at your local Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Store.…

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Lapels go on the outside!

Lapels go on the outside!

At the end of the school year, I was on our Bismarck campus for board meetings. In between meetings, I was walking through the school when I heard my name from one of the classrooms. I stuck my head in the door, the teacher nodded, and a trim boy in a suit and tie came into the hall and gave me a hug.…

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"No-Limits People"

"No-Limits People"

I had dinner a while back with some people like you.   Well, I guess I don’t know if they are really like you, but you do have some things in common. You care about the kids at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. You choose to believe these hurting kids have value, can heal, and are all God’s children.…

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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Grants $100,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at National Convention

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Grants $100,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at National Convention

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch will receive $100,000 from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, also known as Lutheran Women in Mission, to support a capital campaign to build a Chapel on its Bismarck, ND campus.…

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