75% Fear

75% Fear

75% Fear

The OnBoarding Coordinator on our Fargo Campus has been with us for a year and a half but comes to us with deep experience working with traumatized youth. She is buoyant and energetic and a super trainer. She is just the person we want teaching new Ranchers how to connect with and help the children at the Ranch heal. She believes in the potential of every child... and she shows it.
In the hall last week, she stopped me. "Hey Joy, guess who stood in front of her class and presented her work. At her home school. And called and told me about it."
75% of Americans still express some fear of public speaking. Putting yourself "out there" to be heard, criticized, or applauded can be a very stressful experience. Especially if you are expressing something about yourself, or something you hold dear.

I searched my brain for likely candidates who had been with us. I couldn't put a name to the idea of the brave speaker!
"It was Lisbeth,” she said. “She presented to her class! She calls here once a month or so. I am so, so, so proud of her. She was proud of herself, too."
I was honestly a little speechless. Lisbeth was not someone I would have thought of.
Lisbeth came to us after multiple suicide attempts, deep bouts of depression, and psychiatric hospitalizations. Her caregivers struggled with their own mental illnesses and addictions. Lisbeth was a large girl, suffering from inactivity and a poor diet on top of all the other issues. She knew little about hygiene or self-care. She was very quiet and had been overlooked by most people in her life. She could be kind and protective of others around her. However, when anxiety, frustration, or fear overcame her she lashed out and became aggressive, breaking things, hurting others or herself.

She spent almost a year at the Ranch. It was not easy for her to believe she was a person of value. It was hard for her to believe she was smart, or thoughtful, or kind. It was hard for her to learn to fight off and manage the depression that was so ingrained in her life. It was hard for her to use coping skills instead of violence.
But she did.
And then she went to a safe home and then she stood in front of her class and made a presentation. And then she called the Ranch and told us about it.
Please keep our kids and staff in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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