Hello? Can you hear me?

Hello? Can you hear me?

Hello? Can you hear me?

Thanks to a grant from the Midco Foundation, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch was able to purchase an audiometer for the Bismarck campus. The new audiometer allows the Bismarck nurses to complete hearing tests at the Ranch, rather than having to take kids out of school to undergo hearing tests off campus.

At the Ranch, we strive to know as much about our kids and what has happened to them as we can. This not only helps us to serve them better, but it allows us to connect with them and help them heal. We want to know everything from their mental and spiritual health to their physical health. When we have a better understanding of the whole child, we can better connect them to the services and therapies that they need.

Many kids come to us behind in health screenings and basic medical, dental, and vision care. The new audiometer is one way we can address the health needs of our kids without disrupting their school day.

Heatthyr Haugeberg, Director of Nursing at the Ranch, said, “We are now able to do health tracks in-house in Bismarck, which is HUGE!”


Pictured above: Melanie Haak, RN, a Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch nurse, uses the new audiometer to test the hearing of a Ranch child.

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