Making the World a Better Place

Making the World a Better Place

Making the World a Better Place

When I visit with people who work at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch with me, I am always heartened to find that Ranchers know, regardless of their role, that they too can make a difference in the lives of the kids we serve. One person can make a tremendous impact on a child's life...but we never know which person and which moment might make the connection that changes everything. We are all in this together!

Hilary Sorenson is the Development Associate Supervisor at the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Foundation. The Foundation houses the Ranch's Spiritual Life Program, Thrift Stores, and Mission Advancement Team. Hilary has been at the Ranch for nearly ten years, and brings a bright smile and a genuine caring to everyone she meets. I asked her to share, in her own words, her role in helping kids find success at the Ranch.

"As a Development Associate Supervisor, I work alongside our amazing fundraising team to provide essential funding for services to our awesome kids. This includes receipting donations, helping with tours, sending out honey, making deposits, and answering any questions our donors, the community, and resident families may have about the Ranch.

"We receive calls and letters from all over the country, and I share stories that help our donors feel present with our kids. I have so much respect for our direct care staff. I see many of them stepping in as mentors and parent figures themselves. I have also had the pleasure of working with some of our residents here in the Foundation office. It has been so neat seeing our kids confidence blossom over their time spent in the office. For most of them, this is the first "real job" they've ever had. They help fold and mail donors receipts, write thank you notes, and box honey. I think being in the office helps our resident workers better understand how many people care for them and are invested in their success. I love waking up each day and coming to a job that gives me such great joy and purpose!"

We each have an opportunity to make the world a better place. Hilary has taken hold of the opportunity and lives it every single day.

Thank you for your prayers for our children and staff.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch


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