Bring on the crowds

Bring on the crowds

Bring on the crowds

I’ve told you before, working at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is hard work. Good work, but hard. It is hard to hear the kids’ stories of trauma, abuse, and mental illness. It is hard to be distrusted by these hurting kids and hard to earn their trust.
That’s why it is so important that our folks always support each other, cheer each other on, and share successes.
The successes at the Ranch are because of Him! We keep faith at our center and are proud to be a place that blends the best in science with a deep belief in God.
You are part of His plan for this work. Because of your prayers and support, the work becomes a reality. You, too, should celebrate our kids’ success.

Amber Nelson has been with the Ranch for over ten years and is a dual credentialed professional on our Bismarck Campus. She is both a Professional Clinical Counselor and a Licensed Addiction Counselor. Amber is a quiet soul who meets every child where they are at, and never gives up hope for their healing! She heard from a past resident recently and shared an update with the team. Because you are also part of our team, I wanted to share it with you!

“Good afternoon, everyone! Just wanted to pass along an update on a past resident to help reinforce the good work of our team 😊  J’s mom emailed Case Manager Mary and me on Friday noting that J has been doing well since her discharge home. They recently went on vacation, and although she did not love flying, she was able to conquer this and did great managing the crowds! J also asked to do a call with me just to catch up, and she echoes that things are going well – she is able to ride horse a couple days a week, volunteer with horses, and even starts a job tomorrow working with horses four days a week! She wanted me to pass along “hugs” to everyone, as well as that she misses everyone. She looking forward to seeing everyone when school starts.”

Do not underestimate your role in J’s success. This young girl came to us so riddled with anxiety (created by trauma) that she was deeply, deeply despondent.
God, her hard work, the Ranch team, and your support raised her up!
All the way to horses and flying. (Not at the same time!)
Please keep our kids and staff in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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