Wisdom from a Budding Astrophysicist

Wisdom from a Budding Astrophysicist

Wisdom from a Budding Astrophysicist

“You can’t fail unless you quit.” Abraham Lincoln
“Failure isn’t failure unless you quit.” Former Ranch resident and Dakota Memorial School Graduate
This is the season of graduations, and that is true at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch as well. Our on-site school, Dakota Memorial School, celebrates our graduates in style! Most of the children who come to the Ranch return to their home school districts when they leave our care. Some continue their education here through graduation. Others come here only for Day School, never being in residential care. Each one works incredibly hard to graduate. They are smart, but most learn differently than other schools teach. Here they can find success.
We had a very special keynote speaker at this year's graduation on the Minot Campus—a young man who graduated from Dakota Memorial School in May 2018. The day after he graduated, he moved into a college dorm and started his higher-ed career. He graduated from college with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, and has been accepted to graduate school. He is planning to complete a second Bachelor’s degree in Physics, and then a Master's degree in Physics. His goal of being an astrophysicist has been his dream since he was 10 years old and saw a television show about the universe.
As this bright young man spoke to the graduates, he focused on the best advice he could give based on his “after Ranch” experiences. He told stories about “learning these lessons the hard way,” and he shared five points of wisdom:

  1. Learn to manage your money.
  2. Learn to manage your time.
  3. Take risks to follow your dreams.
  4. Be persistent.
  5. And, “Failure isn’t failure unless you quit.”

This young man came to the Ranch hurt and abandoned and alone. Here he found he had strength and value. Then, he decided to set his own path… to find his own success. He has built a network of friends and mentors and supporters that cheer him on. He prays. He is not going to quit.

At the end of his speech, everyone in the packed auditorium gave him a standing ovation.
Please keep our children and staff in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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