Celebrating Love with a Thankful Heart

Celebrating Love with a Thankful Heart

Celebrating Love with a Thankful Heart

"And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and "Love." But the greatest of these is "Love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

The month of February is a celebration of love, and at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we go all out in our celebration of Valentine's Day. Our kids make heart-shaped crafts, eat heart-shaped cookies (and sometimes pancakes), write about love, and discuss the power of love and friendship in their classes and groups.

We have lots of love going around as we lead up to Valentine's Day...the love our staff have for these precious children, the love our donors have for the Ranch and our kids, and the love I have for this great organization. I am so blessed to have worked at the Ranch for 43 years, and I still love getting up in the morning and going to work!

Because we are full of love and gratitude, it's a great time to pause and celebrate the hundreds of people who support the Ranch. In February, we host two "Donor Appreciation Luncheons" in Arizona. This year, our Mesa luncheon is on February 14th at Apache Wells Country Club. The next day, February 15th, we have our Sun City West luncheon at the Briarwood Country Club.

Over these two days, we will gather together over 250 friends of the Ranch to say, "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts." We will thank our donors for all the prayers, support and love they give to the amazing kids at the Ranch.

Over the years, we have heard many success stories from former residents who say they would not be where they are today without the love they received from people at the Ranch. You help bring that love to our kids. Without your love, prayers, and support, we would not be able to help these kids who have suffered so much trauma in their young lives. We are so thankful for our donor family that prays for, supports and loves these kids each day.

If you are in the Mesa or Sun City West area in February, we would love to see you at one of our luncheons. If you can make it, RSVP to me at l.cole@dakotaranch.org.

Thankfulness is a key to a joyful life. It is the key that turns our situation around because it changes us, our outlook, and our attitude. There is power in a thankful HEART! 

Thank you and God bless you all!

Lisa Cole
Development Officer
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Learn more about Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at DakotaRanch.org.

You can also follow the Ranch on Facebook and Twitter.

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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a Christian residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids by providing best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care, where we look kids in the eye, walk with them, and help them become their best selves.

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