Conferences and a Candy Drawer

Conferences and a Candy Drawer

Conferences and a Candy Drawer

Children at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch live in a wide array of home situations. So, when we have "Parent Teacher Conferences" at our on-site Dakota Memorial Schools, we mean that we meet with the people who are in the parent role for the child—adoptive parents, biological parents, foster parents, guardians, grandparents, or other kin. We work hard to connect a caring adult to each child so they can share in the progress the child is making academically, as well as in their treatment. 
Because of the remarkable environment at Dakota Memorial School — trauma-sensitive classrooms, highly trained educators, additional supports, and balanced learning furnishings — children often experience their first academic successes here. It is a great pleasure for our teachers to share the growth they see in students who others have given up on. So many of these kids have had such disruptive behaviors in traditional school settings that the caring adults in their lives are used to Parent Teacher Conferences being a time of shame and disappointment.

When they hear good news at Dakota Memorial School, they can't wait to give feedback.  
"We are so glad to hear he is doing well and has friends and actively participates in class." 

"She told us she likes math class because the teacher is patient with her, and has a candy and gum drawer!"

"The flexibility here allows him to take a break when he is overwhelmed and that has made a huge difference."

"This was like a dream. We are so proud of our son and how he is doing. The best conference we have ever been to."

"I have enjoyed the friendships our son has made."

"He hasn't been in a school setting since second grade and since coming here we are seeing a new kid."

"I'm so proud of him! I can't believe he earned an academic lunch reward in school. It's been a long time since we have had a positive report from a school."

"Dakota Memorial School is like 'hope' for our child."

The most beautiful thing is that for many kids, once they've completed their time with us, we put together transition plans for them to return to their own school districts. We meet with the folks in their home district before the child returns. We teach the professionals what we have learned about the child — coping skills that work for them, as well as aptitudes, learning styles, and mental health triggers. 
With those tools, children can continue their journey to finding and becoming their best selves.
Please keep our staff and kids in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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