Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch received $250,000 in matching funds from the Rupert Dunklau Foundation to support the building of Zurcher Cottage, a new Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF), on its Minot campus.
Children who come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch have experienced severe psychiatric, emotional, behavioral, and/or developmental challenges. Their young lives have been impacted by unimaginable trauma, resulting in childhoods that are anything but normal. The Ranch gives children a safe place to live, learn, and heal, so they can see the world differently and look to the future with hope.
Zurcher Cottage, which is currently under construction, will give the Ranch a place to provide best-in-class care and treatment for North Dakota’s youngest and highest-needs boys and girls, most between the ages of 10 and 14. Zurcher Cottage, designed using the most current knowledge of trauma-informed care, emerging brain research, and our own experiences, will provide children with a space that encompasses hominess and comfort, along with safety, predictability, and consistency, which are critical to healing.
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a Christ-centered residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids by providing best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care, where we look kids in the eye, walk with them, and help them become their best selves.
The Rupert Dunklau Foundation was established in 1968 to provide Rupert and Ruth Dunklau a systematic of gifting to God’s people a portion of the blessings God had given them. The Foundation exists to glorify God and serve His gracious will, by providing financial resources for the varied ministries related to the Lutheran tradition, especially the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, educational entities of the Lutheran Church, and appropriate projects that promote the welfare of mankind.