Foundation of prayers

Foundation of prayers

Foundation of prayers

When our Bismarck campus was first designed, the plan was to serve children with developmental delays who would be able to attend church in the community. As we completed the construction of the facility, it became clear that the need for a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility was crucial.

Instead of our original plan, we began working with young trauma survivors suffering from behavioral and psychiatric issues. On-campus Spiritual Life Programming was immediately necessary. So, with a portable altar, lectern, patience, and flexibility, the Spiritual Life staff provided services wherever space was available on campus… often relocating on a week-to-week basis. 

Twenty years later, a Chapel addition is nearing completion. Because of great donors like you, we are building the chapel without debt. The beautiful stained-glass window that will fill the space with light and hope was created by an artist friend of the Ranch as a treasured gift.

In late April, when the building was framed in and the concrete cured, we held a “Foundation of Prayers” event, an experience that will always be in my heart.

Staff, board members, teachers, and children gathered in the space. Chaplain Rick Jones led a short prayer and liturgy about our relationship with God through prayer. He then invited each of us to write a prayer on the concrete with a permanent marker. When the flooring and furnishings are in place, everything that happens in that space will be built on a “Foundation of Prayer.”

When we were done writing our prayers on the concrete, we prayed The Lord’s Prayer, sang a hymn, and left the building to the tradespeople who will see it through to completion.

Even as I type this, I get goosebumps.

It was a beautiful experience. I walked around and read the prayers of others. I read the Bible verses written by the children. I saw the crown of thorns one of our more artistic kids had drawn next to her prayer. For my part, I wrote my mother’s and grandmother’s favorite prayer in Czech in their honor.
Someone wrote, “Lord, dwell in this place.”

I know He already does.

Please keep our kids and staff in your prayers. 

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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