God Wink

God Wink

God Wink

Karen, a woman I work with, uses a term I love—“God wink.” I don’t know for sure how she would define it, but when she says it, I imagine God with a smile, nodding just a little and tipping a hat. A gesture of “I see you. Well done.”
She used the term today when Tim Unsinn, one of our Senior Development Officers, shared an encounter he had while he was traveling. He was checking into a hotel many, many hundreds of miles from any of our campuses.

Tim said, “Tonight, Crystal, the woman that checked me in, asked where I worked, and I said Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. She paused, then said, ‘I went to the Ranch twice. Once when I was 10 and the other when I was older and graduated from the Ranch.’ She graduated over 10 years ago. She’s doing great and has started a family. Her boss overheard our conversation and said she is awesome. I love how God provides reminders of the amazing work done every day at the Ranch for our precious kids.”

A God wink.
Tim, and our other wonderful Development Officers, travel all around the country meeting with friends of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. Because of that, they don’t get to have the daily interactions with the children that our direct care staff do. But, even with that challenge, the impact of the Ranch’s work is undeniable, and it shows itself in wonderful ways.
 Your support is critical to making these moments happen. Thank you.
In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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