Creating a Culture of Learning: The Harmony of Health and Happiness

Creating a Culture of Learning: The Harmony of Health and Happiness

Creating a Culture of Learning: The Harmony of Health and Happiness


Last week, staff at Dakota Family Services and Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch had the chance to learn from Dr. Wayne Martinsen, MD, MSW, Medical Director at the Ranch, who traveled to all three campuses to present “The Harmony and Health of Happiness.”

Martinsen touched on many different aspects of happiness—happiness around the world, the impact happiness has on our health, and ways to improve your happiness. He shared the findings of several large studies about the causes and effects of happiness, as well as shared his reviews of a few books on the subject. He also provided his audience with one of his favorite happiness questionnaires so we could test our own happiness levels.

Giving employees the opportunity to learn from each other is just one way Dakota Family Services and Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch create a culture of learning.

Randi Streff, Clinic Director for Dakota Family Services, said, “Create learning moments is one of the best ways an organization can promote lifelong learning. Learning happens in the small moments when we mentor each other and lead by example, when we discover together the best approach to a situation, and during conference-style learnings like Doc Talks.  Doc Talks are great because they show everyone, regardless of their role at the agency, some of the knowledge they need to work with the kids each day.  Most importantly though, direct care staff learn and grow by asking questions and applying the educational content of Doc Talks to their daily work with the kids.”

Ranch and DFS staff have amazing messages, experiences, and wisdom to share with each other, and we are so thankful that we can make events like this possible.

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