North Dakota Human Service Zones

North Dakota Human Service Zones

North Dakota Human Service Zones

2019 legislation moved the delivery of North Dakota’s child and family services from 53 counties to 19 multi-county human service zones. The zones were created to improve the delivery of social services to residents by reducing duplication of efforts, lowering administrative costs, and making service provision consistent across the state.

Today, the zones provide economic assistance, child and family services, aging services, and more. Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch works with every human service zone in the state to ensure North Dakota children receive the help they need.

If you are unsure how to get mental health support or treatment for your child, go to or call 701-354-4181. We will help you determine if residential treatment is the right fit for your child. If it is, we will walk you through the process, help you gather the necessary medical records, and help you complete and submit the required paperwork.

*Image from

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