"Just a side gig"

"Just a side gig"

"Just a side gig"

I am frequently amazed by the people who choose to work at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. They are a compassionate, courageous bunch.
One such person is Jan. Jan came to the Ranch looking for a very part-time experience to augment her corporate banking job. She had plenty of work in her “real” job but was looking to find a way to impact kids and families in a more hands-on way. We are very grateful she found us.
Somehow, in spite of this being only a small part of her life, Jan was omnipresent. She worked with the kids and mentored the staff. She took care of little details that went unnoticed. She knew everyone by name. Every Tuesday, she brought homemade treats for the staff break area.

Jan recently retired, so we had a party! She followed up with a grateful message that filled me with warmth.
“I want to thank all of you for what you do—making a difference. I know it sounds "fluffy," but over my almost 8 years here, I want to let you know I have really enjoyed working with all of you—as well as some amazing kids. I have seen staff AND kids (including myself) improve communication skills in difficult situations, learn to stay in the present, enjoy the simple things around us, understand that the only control we really have is how we allow others to affect us, and realize everyone has a story. Some share and some don't, but they are all important.

I had a staff tell me once I was the grandma he never had. I took that as a compliment, instead of focusing on it meant he thought I was old (lol).

Take care. If you ever need some words of wisdom reach out to me. I tend to give too much of it at times..... 🙂
Just me
Jan 🙂”

Please keep our staff and the children in your prayers.
In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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