Kindness in a circle

Kindness in a circle

Kindness in a circle

On the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch website, Chaplain Rick Jones, Vice President of Spiritual Life, says, “Hope is a very powerful thing.”
His quote is on a page dedicated to our Hope Notes program, where he goes on to explain. "You can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for those who have none. Friends from all over the country can write Hope Notes to our residents—little messages of encouragement to show our children someone cares for them and wants them to succeed. If you become a Hope Notes Friend, your notes of encouragement will be given to a resident from one of our three campuses. The letters are such an encouragement to our children—both in their treatment and in their walk with God.  Your words, and the time you spent writing them, demonstrate the love of Christ to our precious children. As a Hope Note’s Friend, you will encourage a child who may feel alone or helpless.”

I love the Hope Notes Program at the Ranch. People from all over unselfishly send these words of encouragement without expecting a response. This is a pen pal program, yet Ranch children are in treatment and rarely send a return message. It is simply an offering of kindness that is purely one-directional. It doesn’t get much purer than that.

However, every once in a while, a child will choose to respond, always confidentially.

Last week, a friend of the Ranch reached out to tell me her story. Years ago, she had written a Hope Note to a child, expecting nothing in return. She was surprised at the powerful, kind message she got back. She wanted to keep the note and tucked it into an inspirational book a cousin had given her at a time when she needed encouragement.

A few weeks ago, that cousin passed away, and she pulled the book from her shelf as she remembered him. Out fell the letter.

“Hey, how have you been? Guess what? I came to the Ranch as an Atheist, but since I got here, I’ve learned a lot of spiritual and biblical stuff, and I actually find it really interesting! The cross on my neck is now worn for a reason! I’m so glad I finally changed my behaviors. To be honest, I think it was because I had Jesus to help me. But, ok, I’m looking forward to your next letter. Sincerely, D”

The rediscovered note from the child helped heal this kind woman from the loss of her cousin.

And kindness comes full circle.

Please keep our staff and children in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

P.S. If you are interested in the Hope Notes Program, learn more on our Hope Notes website page. 

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