The Kiwanis Club of Minot granted $744 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase furniture for Thatcher Cottage on the Minot, ND campus, which serves boys ages 14-18.
Children who come to the Ranch have experienced severe emotional, behavioral, and developmental challenges and come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and religions. They work hard each day to overcome various diagnoses and issues related to trauma, abuse, and neglect. Because they have been through so much in their young lives, the Ranch strives to create a home-like environment in each of its cottages, which aids in the healing of Ranch boys and girls and helps them feel safe.
The funds awarded by the Kiwanis Club of Minot will allow the Ranch to update the living area of Thatcher Cottage, giving the children who live there a comfortable, home-like environment where they can heal and become their best selves.
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a Christ-centered residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids by providing best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care, where we look kids in the eye, walk with them, and help them become their best selves. In addition to Residential Treatment Facilities in Fargo, Bismarck, and Minot, the Ranch provides Outpatient Psychiatric and Psychological Services, and Spiritual Life Programs. Our on-campus school, Dakota Memorial School (DMS), provides a personalized education for kids who have psychiatric, behavioral, and trauma issues.
The Kiwanis Club of Minot is a welcoming group that is banded together by their desire to serve the Minot community, stay informed of local issues through weekly speakers, networking, and sharing the camaraderie of music and fellowship. For more than 90 years, Minot Kiwanians have been giving back to the community and helping kids.