


One of the great blessings of working at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is that every day starts with an email devotion from our chaplain. Chaplain Rick Jones is a Christ-filled writer and speaker. I am constantly amazed at how he can communicate the hope of Christ to these children who have every reason to have lost hope. He also, through his daily devotions and presence, brings hope and a spirit of resilience to our staff. This is hard work. People need to know they are not doing it alone.
I was particularly struck by this message from him. Perhaps it was because of the challenges of the day, or because sometimes each of us feels lonely in our work, but I was moved to share it with you.
The Bible passage he shared was Lamentations 3:22-24.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, therefore I will hope in him."

Then, in part, his devotion went on to remind me… “God’s love never runs out. The mercy he offers you in Christ never fades. It is new and fresh every day. No matter what you face in life, God is always by your side. His Spirit is with you always. He will never abandon or forsake you. And his care for you will never wear out or diminish. Just as the sun comes up every morning, his love for you is shown in new blessings every day. Instead of dreading the uncertainty that lies ahead, look at each day as an opportunity to see how God will bless you in new and countless ways.”

He ended with this prayer.

“Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for your continued and constant grace. I know that your love for me is renewed every day. When the uncertainties and struggles in my life help me see that just as the sun will dawn again in the morning, so too will your grace and mercy always be offered to me. Let the love of Christ be a constant source of hope and joy in my life and may his devoted care guide me to steadfast faith until I enter your eternal heavenly kingdom. Amen.”

None of us are ever alone. What an awesome thing to hold in our hearts!

Please keep the children and staff of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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