Lava lamp and jellyfish

Lava lamp and jellyfish

Lava lamp and jellyfish

Karen Engelter is the Executive Assistant who works with me and tries desperately to keep me in the right place at the right time. She is fearless and kind and approachable and many of the children at the Ranch seek her out. She looks each child in the eye and sees a hero. They trust her.
Because of that, the kids invite her to things. “Come to Chapel with us.” “Can we practice calling you for an interview?” Stuff like that. She always makes time. She recently shared this story with me about one of those invitations…

"Today one of our girls heading into Occupational Therapy (OT) asked if I wanted to watch her put together a “Jellyfish Lava Lamp.” Of course, I said yes. I could tell she was excited about it. Once in the room, I witnessed how awesome our OT staff are!  Lindsey (Lorenz) very gently guided this child through the instructions and after a few minutes, the Jellyfish Lava Lamp was shining. The best part was, once together, she could hardly wait to let it calm her. She laid on the floor and calmly watched the jellyfish move in the lava lamp she put together. She asked, 'Can I spend the remaining time laying on the floor watching this?' And although a small tool, the calming tool was already at work. I was impressed at all the ways OT helps our children find what they need. —Karen.”

I love this for a few reasons. First, this child made their own tool to help them decrease their painful anxiety. Second, I love seeing examples of our kids interacting with Ranchers who work in all areas of the organization. Third, our Occupational Therapy staff do good work. Fourth, how cool is it that one co-worker called out the value of another’s work?
Really good stuff. And, a more peaceful child.
Please keep our kids and staff in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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