Tom and Frances Leach Foundation funds infrastructure modernization at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Tom and Frances Leach Foundation funds infrastructure modernization at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Tom and Frances Leach Foundation funds infrastructure modernization at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Tom and Frances Leach Foundation awarded $100,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to complete necessary infrastructure modernization and safety upgrades on its Bismarck campus. The funds will create a safer and more comfortable environment for the children in care at the Ranch.

A reliable and efficient HVAC and heating system is crucial for maintaining the health and welfare of children and staff at the Ranch. Critical issues with the aged HVAC system pose a potential risk of fire and other safety hazards, jeopardizing the well-being and healing of the children who reside in the 24/7 facility. Funds from The Tom and Frances Leach Foundation will have a direct and lasting impact on children at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch as they journey toward healing and recovery.

“The Leach Foundation is honored to provide funding for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch so the Bismarck campus can upgrade its HVAC and heating systems,” said Ann Reich, Foundation Board Member and Grants Committee Chairman. “The Leach Foundation, through its granting, lives out its mission of impacting people and places and we are pleased we can make a positive impact.”

“The foundation board applauds Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch for their care and passion for helping at-risk children and their families succeed,” added Reich. “It was a pleasure to visit the campus and witness their compassionate work.”

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a Christ-centered residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids by providing best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care, where we look kids in the eye, walk with them, and help them become their best selves. In addition to Residential Treatment Facilities in Fargo, Bismarck, and Minot, the Ranch provides Outpatient Psychiatric and Psychological Services, and Spiritual Life Programs.

The Tom and Frances Leach Foundation is committed to sustaining vibrant, healthy communities where all people have the opportunities and means to achieve their dreams and make a positive difference in the world. Through their grants, they support effective organizations that are creating significant, lasting, and transformational change.

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