I have a two-year-old grandson with really good parents.

His parents were in their 30s before he was born, and he was their first. They are educated, happy, good people. Both of them have post-graduate degrees and large vocabularies.

My grandson talks a lot. The last time he was at my house he told me that we need to “consider our options,” when figuring out breakfast. So we did.

One of my favorite nuances of his language development is his use of the word “kind.” As he is playing, or at daycare, or being told it is bedtime, most things fit into either a “that’s kind” or the “that’s not kind” category. Going to bed when you are having fun is “not kind.” Having Dino waffles for breakfast is “kind.” Yelling is “not kind.” Hugs are “kind.”

You get the idea.

In the 1990s, researchers Hart and Risley published a study that became known as the “30 Million Word Gap,” which indicated that children who grow up in poverty are exposed to far fewer different words, and their meanings, than children in households above the subsistence level. That research has come under a lot of fire for being too small a sample and being biased. However, we have enough corollary data to know that children raised where surviving is the goal of every day, do struggle with language development and comprehension. They are as smart as other kids, but they are way behind in exposure.

At Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we work hard to fill that deficit. Our on-site school, Dakota Memorial School, puts special effort into literacy and expression and comprehension. In therapy, our therapists are specially trained to ensure kids comprehend the things they are learning. In Spiritual Life, we use Action Bibles, in graphic form, to help children grasp the concepts of life choices, values, and the love of Christ.

For those children who choose not to participate in Spiritual Life, we provide Life Development studies. These studies mirror the concepts of Spiritual Life. Trust, compassion, responsibility, fairness, and another 12 subjects are covered in the 16 sessions.

Week two’s topic is Honesty. In that session, children are taught a good rule of thumb to follow… “Before you talk, stop and THINK –

T: Is what you are going to say True?

H: Is what you are going to say Helpful?

I: Is what you are going to say Important?

N: Is what you are going to say Necessary?

K: Is what you are going to say Kind?

If you cannot answer YES to all of the THINK questions, don’t say it.”

Yes, the kids at the Ranch have much to learn about the world and how to interact. I believe the THINK questions are good for all of us.

Right now, my grandson is nailing the “K.”

Please keep the children and staff of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in your prayers.

In His love,

Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

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