
Thrivent Financial Supports the Ranch

Thrivent Financial Supports the Ranch

Thrivent Financial members directed over $35,000 in Thrivent Choice dollars to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in 2016 alone.…

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Annual Meetings of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Held in Minot

The three corporations of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch (Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Foundation, and Dakota Family Services) held their annual meetings last week in Minot,…

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Ranch Receives Grant from Sanford Health

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch received a $5,000 grant from Sanford Health to fund the Health and Wellness programs at Dakota Memorial School (DMS), the on-campus school of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.…

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Ranch Meets Fiscal Year-End Fundraising Goal

Through matching gifts and the increased generosity of our many donors, we were able to meet our fiscal year-end fundraising goal. Thank you so much for giving our kids a place to sleep, learn, heal, and find hope. Your donations to our year-end campaign allow us to end the year on solid footing.…

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LCMS Foundation Grant

LCMS Foundation Grant

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch received a $15,000 grant from The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) to enhance the Ranch’s evidence-based trauma-informed care approaches to treatment.…

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Cops and Kids

Cops and Kids

Police officers from Ward County Sheriff’s Office, Minot Police Department, McLean County Sheriff’s Office, and the North Dakota Highway Patrol played softball with Ranch kids and staff on Fun Day, an event we hold for our kids the day after the last day of school. We didn’t tell the kids our guests were police officers until the end of the game, and the looks on their faces when the officers introduced themselves was priceless.…

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Graduation Day at Dakota Memorial School

Graduation Day at Dakota Memorial School

Tomorrow is graduation day at Dakota Memorial School, the on-campus school of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. This year, we have three graduates on our Minot campus. One of these graduates is Anthony. Anthony has made a lot of decisions and changes in his short time at the Ranch. He says it's because his teachers and other Ranch staff believed in him and showed him his capabilities.…

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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Galatians 4:4-74 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6 Because you…

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The Sights and Sounds of Learning

The Sights and Sounds of Learning

If you were to walk the halls of Dakota Memorial School, you would notice the presence of the sights and sounds of learning. The sounds of student/teacher discussions regarding math problems, historical events, and the themes of classic literature flood through the building. The sight of students bent over their projects in science lab, and curled up in bean bag chairs reading books, dot the landscape. If you don’t know our kids, you may not realize what a miracle this is.…

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Tips for parents of kids with autism

Tips for parents of kids with autism

At Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we understand that working with kids who are on the autism spectrum is not a one-size-fits-all approach. While many kids have things in common, it doesn’t make sense to assume the same approach will work with all children. It is called autism “spectrum” disorder because the symptoms vary from mild to severe, indicating the level of impairment and need for intervention. The awesome thing about this? Even though autism can make it difficult for children to navigate their social environment, it also brings strengths these kids can identify and build on—strengths you or I could only dream of having.…

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Why Early Bedtimes Don't Work at the Ranch

Why Early Bedtimes Don't Work at the Ranch

At Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we have learned that early bedtimes are not effective. The reasons for this are both simple and complex. The simple reason is there is no natural consequence or connection between most misbehaviors and going to bed early, nor do early bedtimes teach a new skill.…

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Children Express Pain, Healing, and Hope Through Music

Children Express Pain, Healing, and Hope Through Music

Through an Artist-in-Resident grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, we were able to bring Dr. Monte Selby to our Fargo campus to work with Ranch kids on writing their own songs. Selby, a musician, songwriter, author and educator, spent a week at Dakota Memorial School (the on-campus school of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch), working with the students to write their own lyrics and put them to music. In their songs, our kids shared their stories, their pain, and their healing.…

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Where Will You Look, and What Will You See?

It is wonderful when I can be part of the real work of the Ranch…the work that happens face to face, one-on-one with the children. All of my job (almost) is a blessing, but watching the kids succeed in real time is what makes every other challenge and hoop we jump through make sense.…

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Darkest Before the Dawn—Robbie's Story

Young man finds loving and gracious family, both in heaven and on earth.…

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What is Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. We help the most troubled, complicated, and amazing kids by providing best-in-class psychiatric therapy and trauma-informed care, where we look kids in the eye, walk with them, and help them become their best selves.…

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"I Now Have Hope"—Rhianne's Story

We received this letter from Rhianne, a young woman who lived at the Ranch.…

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Welcome to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is truly a special place. The boards of Directors, staff, and I are dreaming broadly and boldly about the upcoming generations impacted by this organization's ongoing work.…

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Turning Calls of Distress to Shouts of Joy

Turning Calls of Distress to Shouts of Joy

Each day, Ranch Chaplain, Rev. Rick Jones, emails a devotion to all Ranch employees. His messages are thought provoking, inspiring and comforting—and remind us to remain focused on our kids and on Christ. His devotion from June 12th really spoke to me. It made me think not only of our kids, but of you, our devoted donors. You give of your time and treasure to pray for our kids and financially support our ministry, while often you have battles of your own. You may be dealing with medical issues or the pain of watching a loved one struggle—none of us have a life free from worry. I wanted to share this with you today both to remind you you’re not alone in your struggle, and to encourage you to reach out to a friend or neighbor in need—just as you support the kids at the Ranch.…

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The Body Keeps Score

The Body Keeps Score

Occupational therapy gives Ranch children a new language to express and control their feelings.…

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The Healing Magic of Songwriting

The Healing Magic of Songwriting

Through an Artist-in-Resident grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, Dr. Monte Selby spent a week at Dakota Memorial School, Fargo. Selby gives students the opportunity to express their emotions and future aspirations through songwriting. Writing their own music provides a bridge for many of our kids to be creative and expressive with their voices in the world.…

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5 Ways YOU Help Children Heal

5 Ways YOU Help Children Heal

When kids at the Ranch start to succeed in the classroom, especially after years of failure, it's a big win. Many have come to see school as a waste of time or, worse, proof they don't have any value. Our goal is to help every child achieve early wins in the classroom, understand how they learn best, and reach their full potential.…

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David's Story

David's Story

Fargo police officer, David Carlson, turned his life around at the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. Now he's back to help Ranch boys and girls do the same.…

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Hope Starts with YOU

Hope Starts with YOU

With school back in session and our campuses in the midst of an autumn season full of wonderful activities, learning and Christian mentoring, it's a great time to support a boy or girl at the Ranch.…

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Are We Doing Enough to Help These Kids?

Are We Doing Enough to Help These Kids?

Are we doing enough to help North Dakota kids? Depends on what you mean by "we." Is Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch doing enough? Are we doing enough as individuals? Are we doing enough as a society? Jim Vetter, the Ranch's Vice President of Partner and Community Relations, answers the questions.…

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God's People in Action

God's People in Action

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch hosts conference to inspire and energize people to bring hope and healing to the world.…

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