
Positivity Carriers

Positivity Carriers

At a recent assembly on our Minot Campus, a lean, handsome, well-spoken teenage boy stood up to speak. Knowing his back story of abandonment and abuse, I know he has challenged himself to see the best in the world, and that afternoon he showed us how far he has come.…

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Hector Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Hector Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Fargo, ND, was awarded a $5,000 grant from the Hector Foundation. Funds donated to the Ranch will purchase a vaccine refrigerator for the Ranch’s Nursing department.…

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Alex Stern Family Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Stores

Alex Stern Family Foundation Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Stores

The Alex Stern Family Foundation granted $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to underwrite a portion of the purchase of a recycle baling system.…

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"I don't need you."

"I don't need you."

Rev. Rick Jones, our Chaplain and Vice President of Spiritual Life, shares a daily devotion with those of us who work at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. Having grown up on a farm, one of his recent devotions really resonated with me so I wanted to share it with you. As my dad used to say, “Every living thing will respond to love.”…

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So Much Gratitude

So Much Gratitude

This Thanksgiving, I have so much to be thankful for. The family I come from truly loved each other. My parents gave us an unshakeable foundation on which to build our lives. The family God blessed my husband and me with is a constant source of warmth. We have kind, good children. They have wonderful people in their lives, and the grandchildren…oh, the grandchildren. They could be a month’s worth of emails.…

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It's a God thing

It's a God thing

"It's a God thing." That's what several of my good friends say when there is an unexplained "coincidence" that sort of sets the world right. Little, quiet, daily miracles that may or may not be happenstance. But, since He is in charge of everything, we give Him the glory.…

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My three favorite moments

My three favorite moments

Each of the three campuses of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch has different traditions and events that have evolved over the years we’ve been helping kids and families. One of my favorites is the intermittent Talent Show held on the Minot Campus. It gives the kids and staff a chance to be brave and sing or dance or speak or share. It gives the kids one more way to move closer to finding their best selves.…

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Taking a first step

Taking a first step

When a child is new to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, the staff share a little about them so they are aware of possible conversations or situations that may trigger negative behaviors. We focus on their strengths and how we can give them every opportunity to see they can succeed and be their best selves.…

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Leave the worries to God

Leave the worries to God

I was recently visiting with a teenage boy who is in our care. He has been in some form of foster care his entire life. Some families have been good. Some of his families have been, in his words, “really, really wrong.” He gets mad sometimes, but most of the time he likes people. His favorite animals are dogs, and horses are next.…

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Flag Football and Healing

Flag Football and Healing

On this fall day, I look out my window to see Ranch kids playing flag football. The teams are co-ed and the kids appear to be enjoying a great deal of laughter. The gym teacher on the Fargo Ranch campus is a former Division I college football player. The kids listen to him, and they get great exercise.…

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A Safe Place to Heal

A Safe Place to Heal

Shanaye didn't experience much safety in her childhood—either at home or at school. "Until my dad moved out, home was a really hostile and scary place," Shanaye said. "I was abused by my father for a good portion of my life. It was just horrible."…

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Connecting All the Pieces

Connecting All the Pieces

In practice, Case Managers at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch are connectors—the glue that holds everything together while a child is in treatment at the Ranch. They bring together the Ranch treatment team, the child and their family, and county or Department of Juvenile Justice caseworkers; to ensure everyone is moving in the same direction and that the children and their families have a voice in their treatment.…

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Not one-size-fits-all

Not one-size-fits-all

People often ask what makes the Ranch special. What do we do differently at the Ranch that helps kids heal? The truth is that there is not one answer to that question. We focus on every child individually and find ways to meet their specific needs. Our goal is to help our children heal and grow so they can become successful members of their families and communities—and we do that by working with them one-by-one to determine their strengths and challenges, and to find strategies that will work for them.…

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"My grandma is 103."

"My grandma is 103."

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch turned 70 years old in August. In 1952, a small church congregation outside of Mapleton, ND recognized the challenges faced by the children that had been “half-orphaned” by World War II. (Like most states, North Dakota had many casualties and lasting disabilities among its male population.).…

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The School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province Awarded $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province Awarded $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province awarded $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase new boots for Equine Therapy for the girls on its Minot Campus.…

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The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

For several years, Dakota Memorial School has been creating a program that gives students opportunities to learn important social skills, build relationships with their teachers and peers, and obtain the knowledge and skills they need to transition back to public school or adulthood.…

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Food Service Angel

Food Service Angel

“I don’t drink milk.” That’s the way the conversation between a new 10-year-old boy at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch and Sarah Streitz, one of our Food Service Angels, started.…

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Horses Everywhere

Horses Everywhere

"My horse, Teddy, taught me how to love him and love other people. Just like Teddy, people are going to be stubborn. You have to compromise with them. You gotta give in a little bit and take a little back. I've learned so much from Teddy." -Megan, former Ranch resident…

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Investing In the Future

Investing In the Future

Meagan Gelinske comes from a generous family, and the importance of giving back was instilled in her at an early age. "I learned early on to share what I had. Several of my family members are very generous and I quickly realized that giving to help others is a good way to live," Meagan said. "My Christian faith plays a large part, too."…

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Building a trauma-sensitive school

Building a trauma-sensitive school

Most of us remember school as Math, Science, Social Studies, PE, and other classes where we sat down, listened to a teacher give a lecture, and waited for the bell to ring so we could walk out the door for our next class period. School days were full of routine, had few disruptions, and most days were similar. We had teachers who inspired us, helped us determine our future path, and provided critical feedback as we navigated this world.…

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The Hard Work of Going Home

The Hard Work of Going Home

One of the great challenges of the work we do at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is helping our children be successful when they leave our care. During treatment, we wrap children and their families in many services and supports. When a child completes treatment and goes home, the family must find these services in the community—not an easy task when they may have their own challenges and/or live in a rural area with few available services.…

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Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation Donates $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation Donates $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation granted $1,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to update the security on its Fargo campus.…

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Wisdom Beyond Their Years

Wisdom Beyond Their Years

Many of the office doors in Bremer Hall (the central building on our Minot campus) have small 8" x 10" white boards hanging on them. These boards serve a variety of purposes. Some are used to list office hours. Some give location info like, "I'm in the barn with the kids until 3 p.m." Some ask everyone who passes to vote on an important life question, "Would you rather be 10 feet tall or 10 inches tall?" (If you're curious, 10 feet tall won by a landslide.)…

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Kiwanis Club of Minot Provides Funds for Cottage Furniture at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Minot Provides Funds for Cottage Furniture at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Kiwanis Club of Minot granted $744 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase furniture for Thatcher Cottage on the Minot, ND campus, which serves boys ages 14-18.…

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"I will pray for you."

"I will pray for you."

One of our kids is going home today. Of course, I am thrilled. We are here to “help at-risk kids and their families succeed in the name of Christ.” Part of succeeding is being able to live with a family. No child should grow up at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch…

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