
A Father's Mission — a Family’s Commitment

A Father's Mission — a Family’s Commitment

Marlys and Wes Kuntz are touching young lives through their support of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.…

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Summer at the Ranch

Summer at the Ranch

Summer means a change of pace and new challenges for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch kids. They look forward to summer! And why not? It’s a time for hands-on learning, fun outings, swimming, and lots more. For kids who have endured dark days of failure in school and difficulty at home, summer is a chance to “catch up” on the activities most of us take for granted.…

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When Your Child Gets Angry

When Your Child Gets Angry

All children have occasional temper tantrums and outbursts. Because they don’t have the internal infrastructure to deal with big emotions, they get frustrated and angry. It’s likely that other emotions—sadness, irritability, shame, guilt or embarrassment—lie at the root of your child’s anger. Anger is the fallback emotion when a child doesn’t have the vocabulary or awareness to explain other more complicated emotions.…

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A Tale of Two Graduates

A Tale of Two Graduates

Shawn and Maddie share their inspiring stories--how they came to the Ranch, the barriers that got in their way, their ultimate success, and their plans. Read their stories of courage and perseverance.…

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A Sense of Family

A Sense of Family

When I think about the many ways I have been impacted by the Ranch, I keep coming back to the overwhelming sense of family and belonging that surrounds everything we do. I immediately felt welcomed by everyone I met, from coworkers and board members to the children we serve.…

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What is Attachment Disorder?

What is Attachment Disorder?

Regardless of their age, children with attachment issues can learn to build trusting relationships and live successful lives.…

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Compassionate Care: Medicine and Healing

Compassionate Care: Medicine and Healing

A woman called recently to ask how we use medication at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. She said, "I recently learned that most of the kids at the Ranch are on medication. Is that true?" According to Dr. Wayne Martinsen, Medical Director at the Ranch, and Heatthyr Haugeberg, Director of Nursing at the Ranch, she is correct. About 90% of our children are on a psychotropic medication at any given time. This is not surprising when you remember that the Ranch is a psychiatric residential treatment facility, providing hope and healing for the most troubled children in our communities—children who have experienced chronic stress and trauma.…

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The Value of Good Work

The Value of Good Work

Through childhood chores and later on, high school jobs, children gain skills they need to be successful in the world. Some of our Ranch kids come from great families who give their kids chores, show them the value of work, and encourage them to find a job. But, most of our kids haven't had those same work experiences. To give them these important work experiences and a sense of belonging, we give Ranch kids on-campus jobs.…

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The Many Roles of a Ranch Nurse

The Many Roles of a Ranch Nurse

Nursing care at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is unlike any other nursing job. I am often asked, “What do the nurses do at the Ranch?” and I am never quite sure how to answer. One day, nursing staff can be found scheduling appointments and managing medications. The next day, we might be out playing a softball game with the kids. No two days are ever the same!…

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A Celebration of Life

A Celebration of Life

One young man at the Ranch is celebrating Easter with a very creative and symbolic haircut!…

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Easter is a Celebration of Hope at the Ranch

Easter is a Celebration of Hope at the Ranch

Easter is a great time — maybe the best time — to focus on faith. We use this special season to help get the children thinking about Jesus, His triumph over sin and death, and what that means to them.…

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Cass County Electric Cooperative Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Stores

Cass County Electric Cooperative Grants $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Stores

Cass County Electric Cooperative granted $5,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to underwrite a portion of the purchase of a delivery truck to be used by Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Stores across the state.…

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Music Focused on Faith Helps a Vulnerable Young Girl Find Hope

Music Focused on Faith Helps a Vulnerable Young Girl Find Hope

Christian music group DPB came to the Ranch to put on a concert for our kids recently. But one of our girls, Alicia, didn't want to go to the concert.…

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Easter = New Life

Easter = New Life

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -2 Corinthians 5:17…

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Donor Partnerships Make Transformation Possible!

Donor Partnerships Make Transformation Possible!

It wasn't until she came to the Ranch that 15-year-old Tara really realized how badly her life got sidetracked. "There was a lot of stress," she says. "I wanted to get out of the house. I did drugs and tried running away. And I had friends who were bad influences. They weren't good friends."…

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North Dakota Community Foundation Funds Mental Health First Aid Training for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

North Dakota Community Foundation Funds Mental Health First Aid Training for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) granted $3,200 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to underwrite the cost of sending one Ranch staff to become a certified instructor of Mental Health First Aid.…

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Kiwanis Club of Fargo Funds Purchase of Mattresses for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Fargo Funds Purchase of Mattresses for Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Fargo granted $4,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to underwrite the purchase of mattresses, waterproof mattress pads, and bedding for the Al and Johnne Bierdeman Center for Hope and Healing.…

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A Heart of Gold

A Heart of Gold

When Gerry Gerntholz met his future wife, Marian, in college at North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND, she already loved Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. “The Ranch touched Marian’s heart, even back then."…

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Getting Through

Getting Through

Whew! I don't know about life in your part of the country, but I am so thankful to be finished with February! Normally, I love the month that allows me to celebrate my birthday, Valentine's Day, and the bonus holiday, President's Day. However, my first February in Minot was cold, bitterly cold! For one three-week period in February, we had only one day in which temps were higher than 0. We drove on sheets of ice with windchills reaching -60.…

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A Family Legacy of Giving

A Family Legacy of Giving

Through their recent and ongoing gifts to the Ranch, Leonard and Marie are committed to continuing the family legacy of giving by teaching their children and grandchildren about philanthropy. They want to show their family how giving not only benefits the charity but the donor.…

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Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder Need Caregiver Engagement in Treatment

Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder Need Caregiver Engagement in Treatment

Many Ranch children suffer from Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). In our extensive work with children and adolescents, we have learned that engaging a child’s caretakers is especially important when treating children with RAD. Our work with caregivers focuses on educating them about RAD, and helping them build patterns of positive communication and interactions with their child.…

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Celebrating Love with a Thankful Heart

Celebrating Love with a Thankful Heart

"And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and "Love." But the greatest of these is "Love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13 The month of February is a celebration of love, and at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, we go all out in our celebration of Valentine's Day. Our kids make heart-shaped crafts, eat heart-shaped cookies (and sometimes pancakes), write about love, and discuss the power of love and friendship in their classes and groups.…

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Caring for Others Brings Great Joy

Caring for Others Brings Great Joy

Herb and Jan Hegstad find joy in many places. They like to dance, play cards, and have friends over to visit. They enjoy wintering in Arizona where tennis, shuffleboard, Bocce ball, Bible study, and church services are all just a short walk away. And, they find joy in spending time with their children and grandchildren. But, their greatest joy is found in the Lord, and in caring for others.…

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Great River Energy Awards Grant to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Great River Energy Awards Grant to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Great River Energy awarded $600 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase American Red Cross Automated External Defibrillator (AED) simulators to be used in staff training.…

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From Defeat and Depression to Dreams Come True

From Defeat and Depression to Dreams Come True

On the outside, Haysel looked like she had it all together. Inside, however, Haysel was suffering from severe emotional pain caused by depression and anxiety.…

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