
The Proof is in the Cupcake

The Proof is in the Cupcake

The kids who come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch are working hard to learn new behaviors—it is not easy to overcome what they have learned through what has happened to them. Most of our kids have had to find ways to survive.…

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Loving these messy, angry, loud, hurting, challenging, precious kids

Loving these messy, angry, loud, hurting, challenging, precious kids

I am constantly grateful for the way really great professionals find their way to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. It is important to work with people who share a passion for our mission. The Ranch’s Director of Therapy Services/Clinical Director, Tim Gienger, is one of those great people. Tim oversees the therapeutic work done by our Masters’ level mental and behavioral health counselors who work here. He travels to all three campuses and works with each therapist to develop the very best-of-the-best approaches to help each child in their own unique ways. He is insightful, upbeat, kind, and a really hard worker.…

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Hand Me the Spackle and a Putty Knife

Hand Me the Spackle and a Putty Knife

I just signed a purchase order for a replacement window in one of the children’s bedrooms. It was broken by an angry child who is just learning that it’s OK to have emotions. (Don’t worry. It is special glass, so it cracked, but no one was hurt and the child now has a different bedroom.) Of course, the next step is for the child to learn healthy ways to show those emotions. Learning how to manage emotions is all part of healing.…

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Summer Olympics at the Ranch

Summer Olympics at the Ranch

It has been more than 40 years since “The Miracle on Ice,” when the U.S. Men’s Hockey team defeated the Soviet Union on their way to Olympic gold. To this day, whenever I think about that win, I still feel the same emotions I did the night it happened. That moment was electric, and people talk about it as if it were yesterday.…

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How does your light shine?

How does your light shine?

As a private not-for-profit, we are owned by our community. We are not a government agency. We are not owned by a family, by individuals, or by shareholders. The kids at the Ranch, when we first meet, often ask me “Do you own the Ranch?” I tell them “Nope. We are owned by everyone, with God at our center.” That usually disappoints them, because I would be much more glamorous as an owner!…

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The Power of Yet

The Power of Yet

One of the (many) great things about working at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is being surrounded by inspirational messages. Of course, they are intended for the children… to keep them buoyed up and encouraged. The healing work they do is hard, and they have endured so much. In Chapel services, spiritual life groups, Dakota Memorial School, and the living facilities our kids see and hear all kinds of “You Can Do It” messages. Spoken, or a nod, or a worksheet or a side hug, all carry the message of hope.…

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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Grants $81,680 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at National Convention

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Grants $81,680 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch at National Convention

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch will receive $81,680 from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League to support the Deaconess Ministry portion of its Spiritual Life programming. Recognizing the need to minister directly to the hearts of the young girls and boys in their care, in 2018 the Ranch called LCMS Deaconess Kelly Bristow to complement the work of the Spiritual Life staff.…

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MDU Resources Foundation Grants $4,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

MDU Resources Foundation Grants $4,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

MDU Resources Foundation awarded $4,000 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase a commercial gas stove for the Nutrition Center on its Bismarck campus. The purchase is just one part of an overall transformation of the Nutrition Center.…

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FM Area Foundation Grants $3,500 for Wellness Program at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

FM Area Foundation Grants $3,500 for Wellness Program at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The FM Area Foundation granted $3,500 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to support the Wellness Program on its Fargo campus. Funds will be used to purchase items and accessories such as helmets, rollerblades, bikes, longboards, skateboards, and more.…

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God's Grace and Mercy

God's Grace and Mercy

Chapel Services are at 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays on all the campuses of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. We do not require children or staff to attend. But, many do. Last week, I was on campus in Minot for Chapel. Minot is our largest campus, our seminal campus. Chaplain Rick Jones and Deaconess Kelly Bristow do a beautiful job of bringing His word to the kids in a way that relates to them. Yesterday the message was from Romans 13, where Paul talks about how to think about “authorities.” Chaplain Rick was able to make sense of God’s delegation to “authorities” in his name, while acknowledging that many in authority had been the very people who had victimized these children. He explained how the authority was from God, but how the person in that position may be in the clutches of sin.…

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A Very Special Thank You

A Very Special Thank You

I hear the same lament over and over from friends, particularly grandparents, aunts, and uncles who live a distance away. "Why don't kids today ever send thank you notes?" and "I have to call to see if they got the gift, because I never hear about it from them." I honestly don't know if it is worse than in previous generations. My mom and dad made sure I wrote thank you notes. But I also remember when, having heard nothing, they would ponder whether a gift they sent had ever been received.…

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Kiwanis Club of Minot Provides Funds for Library Books at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Kiwanis Club of Minot Provides Funds for Library Books at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

The Kiwanis Club of Minot granted $300 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to purchase library books for Dakota Memorial School, the on-campus school of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. Reading offers children at the Ranch the chance to expand their horizons beyond the tough and often traumatizing lives they’ve lived. It stirs the imagination, stimulates creativity, gives freedom to the soul, and inspires kids to dream big for the future.…

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Dirt is a Happy Place

Dirt is a Happy Place

When I was a kid, I didn't really appreciate all the work that went into raising food. Gardening was a lot of work, and it took away from what I wanted to do—generally anything except work. I've since gained an appreciation for gardening, and even gave it a name, "dirt therapy." For some people, digging in the dirt, watching plants grow, and harvesting vegetables all come together to create a sense of accomplishment and well-being.…

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The Wisdom of a Child

The Wisdom of a Child

We should never quit growing and learning. One of my former bosses, a remarkably wise man, always said, "If you are the same person next year that you are this year, you're not very interesting." His point was that each year we should evolve, learn, have new experiences... maybe even change some strongly held opinions.…

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Putting on the Brakes

Putting on the Brakes

Imagine driving through the middle of town during road construction season trying to navigate unexpected stop signs, orange cones, and random holes in the middle of the road to get through to the other side safely. Most of us are familiar with applying the right amount of pressure to the brake and gas pedals to get through the construction safely. For some, it's second nature and requires very little active thought.…

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A Future He Never Imagined

A Future He Never Imagined

At the Ranch, Jeremiah learned the skills he needs to succeed in life, preparing him to take the next steps after leaving treatment.…

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Becoming Adults

Becoming Adults

Children who come to the Ranch are just like other kids. They may have endured more trauma than others and need help to heal and move forward, but like all kids, they face a full range of choices as they step out into the world.…

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Vocational Education Through the Years

Vocational Education Through the Years

Vocational Education gives Ranch kids a chance to succeed in school and prepares them for life in the real world.…

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Getting Some Zzzzzzzzz's

Getting Some Zzzzzzzzz's

Sleep is as vital to life as the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink, but Ranch kids' histories of trauma often have a great impact on their sleep habits.…

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NASA Botanist on Mars

NASA Botanist on Mars

The children who come to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch have endured so much. They have been busy surviving, not learning basic life skills. So, we try to teach them.…

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Are Some Kids Better Off Without Their Families?

Are Some Kids Better Off Without Their Families?

The mission of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is "to help at-risk children and their families succeed in the name of Christ." Yet, one question I get asked a lot is, "Aren't all these kids better off without their screwed up families?" Sometimes it is worded much more compassionately. Sometimes it is even more judgmental. Sometimes it is hard to answer with a quick "Yes" or "No."…

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God-Inspired Interruptions

God-Inspired Interruptions

In a book I'm reading, the author talks about God-inspired interruptions, which reminded me of a recent moment of inspiration outside my office at the Ranch. My office is situated across the hall from Shayla Leinen, Principal of Dakota Memorial School on the Fargo campus. Throughout the school day, kids come to Shayla's office, sometimes with an emergency or a behavioral issue, and sometimes just to say hello. Shayla is amazing with our kids; she truly cares about each one of them.…

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Come and See

Come and See

The sermon at my church recently was about the phrase in the Bible, "Come and see." The point of the sermon was that the phrase was only used when "see" really meant "know." "Come and look," according to the speaker's study of the Bible, meant "Come and draw your own conclusions." But "see," was used when the conclusion was not up for debate. For instance, in John 11:34 in response to Jesus asking to see Lazarus as he lay, unarguably, dead.…

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Verendrye Electric Awards $1,850 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Verendrye Electric Awards $1,850 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Verendrye Electric Cooperative awarded $1,850 to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch to upgrade the security on its Minot campus.…

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Jesus—the answer to everything

Jesus—the answer to everything

Sierra, a 16-year-old on our Minot campus, recently shared her story. While she talked about her childhood as one of abuse, abandonment, and rejection, she focused on joy and Jesus.…

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